Fatigue and Fracture Research Laboratory

 | Post date: 2019/11/25 | 

This Laboratory is involved in fatigue and tensile tests on phaser, composite and polymer sample pieces and is getting equipped for buckling and compression tests as well. Due to access to Data Logger associated with fatigue test machine and available extra channels, detailed information of the amount of strain and displacements emerged on different points of the test piece can be obtained. People at this laboratory have done fatigue tests on many intact steel, aluminum, polymer and composite components concerning the decreasing rate of strength over the whole component service life.

In addition, various tests have been done on composite repair cracked aluminum panels regarding how crack develops, delayed crack growth and delamination. Fatigue tests on welded alloy steel junctions installed in transportation bus structure aiming to recognize premature defects and finding ways to increase the current structures and strength tests on laminated composite sections are among other mentionable projects guided at this laboratory.


• • Dartec Fatigue and Tensile Test Machine, 50 KN capacity, 100 Hz frequency

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